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Triggerbots Double Brand Recall Tech: 56x triggers per brand recall (Eye of Winter Brand Sabo)

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Warning: Gigantic wall of text incoming

First off, a disclaimer: This is not exactly a build showcase but more of a proof of concept, and there are lot of optimizations that can be done. There are some serious issues with the core build concept which I don't think can ever be solved (it'll be evident if you watch the video, and I'll explain more in depth).

There exists an interaction with triggerbots and a triggered brand recall on an arcanist brand, letting you get up to 4 triggers per brand recall, or 28 with all 7 brands. Here's a post by u/dariidar showcasing this interaction.

You can literally double this to 56x (8x triggers per recall per brand) by using a second brand recall socketed in a weapon with the crafted mod "trigger a socketed spell skill every 8 seconds". Credits to u/krabbsatan comment on that thread, which is how I learned about this interaction.

I'll explain how this interaction works from the very basics:

  • Arcanist brand triggers a linked spell when activated or recalled.
  • Brand recall is a spell that recalls and activates your brands, with a base 4 second cooldown.
  • Brand recall can be triggered, just like any other normal spell.
  • Triggerbots double every triggered spell.
  • Therefore, if we trigger brand recall on an arcanist brand, triggerbots will trigger brand recall twice, and each brand recall will trigger the arcanist brand twice, resulting in 4 total triggers per brand.
  • This gives 28 total triggers if we have all 7 arcanist brands out.
  • We have two sets of brand recalls. One is socketed in a weapon with the veiled mod "cast a socketed spell when you use a skill, with a 4 second cooldown". The other is socketed in a weapon with the crafted mod "cast a socketed spell when you use a skill, with an 8 second cooldown".
  • Normally, multiple copies of the same skill will share their cooldowns, and only one of them will activate when triggered.
  • However, since our brand recalls have two different base cooldowns of 4s and 8s due to the weapon mods, the game treats them as different skills allowing both to function independently. This is why its important to have the second weapon with the 8s mod, having another 4s weapon mod will not work.
  • With this setup, we alternate between getting 56 triggers and 28 triggers, since the 8s mod only triggers half as often (mana cost permitting).
  • Both the 4s mod and the 8s can be scaled by brand recall CDR.
  • We have Convocation on left click, which conveniently acts as an instant skill to trigger our brand recalls and reposition the triggerbots.

Ok so that's how this interaction works essentially, now I'll throw my PoB and my poeninja and explain my current setup. Some general thoughts on things to consider, in no particular order:

Mana Costs

  • 56x triggers means 56x the mana cost. If you don't solve mana, you'll only get a fraction of the triggers and miss a huge chunk of damage. Do not neglect this, solving mana cost is critical.
  • Flat mana cost reduction on rings is huge, as it applies to all 56 triggers.
  • I am also using the flask mod for reduced mana cost and inspiration.
  • Yes I know inspiration doesn't work with EB, but the mana cost reduction is essential to hit all triggers. With my current setup, I need around 1.1k ES for all 56 triggers. Without inspiration, I need around 2k ES.
  • Also consider, since I have MoM, my ES is part of my EHP so this technically makes me a little bit tankier.
  • Before I swapped to inspiration and was running faster proj, I had a Vaal Clarity to remove mana costs that I could turn on for bosses to nuke them. But I was still only doing a fraction of the damage without it active.
  • Ideally, you'd eventually want to solve mana without inspiration, probably by just getting more ES.
  • To calculate total mana costs for your setup, just multiply your PoB EoW mana cost by 56. I have manually tested this in game with Shavronne's Revelation to mark my ES, it lines up very closely to the PoB number (but not exactly, might be some rounding or an error in my setup).
  • I have tested with running inspiration on the brand recall link, but this doesn't really help as the vast majority of your mana cost is from your EoW. I can post numbers from my testing if anybody is interested.

Sabo vs. Trickster

  • I've thought about this a lot, and I'm strongly of the opinion that Sabo is far better than Trickster for this build.
  • I'll start by talking about why a lot of Trickster's benefits are actually quite redundant on this build.
  • Polymath's recovery on kill is useless here, as you already have infinite recovery from ES on hit from Discipline Watcher's Eye. You also have infinite life recovery from life gain on spell hit shaper mod on your ring. So all Polymath gives you is a bit of damage.
  • Frenzy charges are meh as well, cast speed doesn't help you unlike other EoW brand setups. Cast speed is only going to help you place your brands down faster, in a traditional EoW brander the cast speed gives you more frequent activations which is not relevant here. Your damage comes from recalling brands, not from them activating normally on enemies.
  • Spell leech is useless, you already have infinite recovery. If you still want spell leech, you can just get it easily from other sources.
  • Funnily enough, this leaves your best node to be Escape Artist, which gives you an admittedly solid chunk of evasion and ES.
  • So all you essentially get from Trickster is some base stats like ES, evasion, and suppress if you go for that. Some QoL and speed if you take One Step Ahead, or some inconsistent damage mitigation from Heartstopper.
  • Contrast this to what you can potentially get from Sabo.
  • To state the obvious first, you just get Triggerbots for free. This opens up FF jewel slots to better options.
  • Some ideas are Mistwalker (free elusive + crit immunity, which I'm currently running), Escape Artist (some nice ES and evasion, basically all that Trickster gives) or honestly just running two good regular/unique jewels.
  • Free crit chance/multi/pen. With infernal legion skitterbots, I can conveniently apply all of burning, chill and shock while still being able to run ele focus on my main link. It also helps that skitterbots and triggerbots have similar AI and I can reposition both with Convocation, so I have very consistent uptime.
  • Free CDR for both your brand recalls, this is your bottleneck for DPS.
  • And finally, probably the most underrated node and why I think Sabo can actually be built to be tankier than Trickster: Blind effect from Born in the Shadows.
  • We scale blind effect from the tree by taking the blind wheel and mastery, and also take Wind Dancer.
  • When coupled with high evasion and flat dodge from Grace Watcher's Eye, you can very easily hit the evasion cap.
  • High evasion pairs excellently with your infinite recovery, since you won't be taking many consecutive hits you can safely rely on your full hp pool for the hits that you do take. Not counting spell hits of course, but we have suppression for that.
  • I'll add an excellent build by sergeantminor, an evasion tank Sabo which showcases just how strong blind effect and evasion can be made into an incredibly solid defensive layer.
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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







15 | 6

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Like Clockwork
Like Clockwork
Explosives Expert
Explosives Expert
Perfect Crime
Perfect Crime
Born in the Shadows
Born in the Shadows
Wind Dancer
Wind Dancer
Eldritch Battery
Eldritch Battery
Lethe Shade
Lethe Shade
Mind Over Matter
Mind Over Matter
Blood Drinker
Blood Drinker
Blood Siphon
Blood Siphon
Brand Equity
Brand Equity
Cruel Preparation
Cruel Preparation
Doom Cast
Doom Cast
Explosive Runes
Explosive Runes
Mark the Prey
Mark the Prey
Piercing Shots
Piercing Shots
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Revenge of the Hunted
Revenge of the Hunted
Silent Steps
Silent Steps
Soul Thief
Soul Thief
Thief's Craft
Thief's Craft
Written in Blood
Written in Blood
View full passive skill tree

  • Eye of Winter
  • InspirationInspiration
  • Awakened Cold PenetrationAwakened Cold Penetration
  • Arcanist BrandArcanist Brand
  • Awakened Added Cold DamageAwakened Added Cold Damage
  • Awakened Elemental FocusAwakened Elemental Focus

  • Commandment of Thunder

  • ConvocationConvocation
  • Assassin's MarkAssassin's Mark
  • FrostblinkFrostblink
  • PrecisionPrecision

  • DisciplineDiscipline
  • EnlightenEnlighten
  • Dread BannerDread Banner
  • GraceGrace

  • Brand RecallBrand Recall
  • EmpowerEmpower
  • EnhanceEnhance

  • Brand RecallBrand Recall
  • EmpowerEmpower
  • EnhanceEnhance

  • Summon SkitterbotsSummon Skitterbots
  • Infernal LegionInfernal Legion
  • ZealotryZealotry
  • Divine BlessingDivine Blessing




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