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Poison Forbidden Rite Pathfinder - Mid league build guide.

Hypnotic Eye JewelImpossible EscapeMedium Cluster JewelAncestral VisionLethal PrideSmall Cluster JewelLarge Cluster JewelWatcher's EyeProfane WandMahuxotl's MachinationDendrobateCallous MaskAsenath's Gentle TouchAnathemaAmethyst RingThe Eternal StruggleGarukhan's FlightStygian Vise
Divine Life FlaskSilver FlaskProgenesisReplica Sorrow of the DivineDying Sun

Hey folks, i am back to update the guide for the build that i made here:




My build right now:


My goal was to make a league starter to a cheapish build that could do all content.I still didn't tried Uber bosses on this one, but i just completed simulacrum wave 30 with no deaths, so i think this passed the test and I decided to share. It is not a final form and I don't think it is the best one out there, but I think it is good enough to share so it can be used and improved. It has tons of QoL, easy to play and very very tanky.

Invested right now:

  • 5DIV a +3 dendrobate that I linked myself (tainted fusings included).
  • 24DIV a Progenesis that i got very unlucky rerolling (i spent 17DIV on it and spent about 7 divs just to get a somewhat good rolls, all of the others were extremely bad).
  • 3-4DIV awakened gems
  • 50c helmet with enchant.
  • 15c boots.
  • 20c gloves.
  • 60c amulet
  • 20c annoints.
  • 70c replica sorrow of the divine
  • 1DIV for impossible escape (not mandatory.
  • 1DIVc for anathema (cheaper now)
  • 50c on cluster that i got extremely lucky in harvest, but you can get a good one for 2div.
  • 1Div on watchers eye.
  • 100c on ancestral vision.
  • 1Div on the others flasks.
  • 4Div on shield.
  • 15c on wand (price of the base, few chaos reroll on harvest, gonna craft a +2 wand with it later).
  • 100c on divergent herald of agony and 30c on anomalous petrified blood.
  • TOTAL about 45DIV i guess, more or less.


I started as a self chill self poison build, like i shared before, and it is a viable way to play and build it. With apep's slumber and golden rule, winterweave and orbit fang it is a good way to start:

  • Fast start because of selfchill, but I dropped later for more defenses.
  • It fixes chaos res because of golden rule (+3 max with apep's and +100% chaos res) (but at same time is a bad mechanic because leaves you vulnerable before ramping up the poisons, you can kill yourself if you don't have enough defenses at the start of the map.
  • It fixes mana cost togheter with eldritch battery because of the 400 ES regen that apep's slumber gives you.
  • I tried to make it work with tainted pact, but I couldn't manage to make the leech lasts longer than the poison, and I tried a ton.
  • You can ditch apep's and self poison when you cap your chaos res and get at least a divine flesh for the +5% chaos res. You can cap your chaos res with an amethyst flask, but it needs to have a 100% uptime.
  • You can automate lots of things with CWDT, i have 3 curses and Frost Shield, and a stormbrand to help for culling, wither and flasks charges on crit.
  • You can use culling strike on stormbrand before getting the Eternal Struggle.
  • Get a Eternal Struggle with 14% increased AOE. it is very important to achieve at least 28% to get 5 overlaps on Forbidden Rite.
  • We need to stack tons of flask duration and flask charges gain because of our Life Flasks and Progenesis. Progenesis must be 100%, and the life flask needs to last at least 5 seconds, less and it will be clunky and annoying, and you can also die if you don't have 100% uptime on life flask.
  • That is why I use alchemist mark, it is about 1 flask charge/second (incresed by mark effect), and also it works to generate frenzy charges through mark mastery.
  • After you get enough flasks charges and duration, it gets viable to use Dying Sun and ditch GMP for Swift Affliction. Dying sun gives us 15% AOE and 3 extra projectiles when you have 50% inc flask effect. 1 extra projectile from helmet, and now you have the 5 projectiles on FR. It is pointless to have more projectiles, don't be fooled by POB. Dying sun also works as a defense layer togheter with Mahuxotl's Machination shield and tempered by war, reducing our elemental damage taken by 15% (10% from ruby flask + 50% increased flask effect). My uptime on Dying sun is about 75% when bossing, but it is 100% mapping. If you want a bossing build maybe a few changes may be required.
  • Swift Affliction makes the build even better because we stack too much poison duration: Awakened Unbound Ailments, Dendrobate, Temporal Chains with increased effect, Swift Affliction brings the poison duration from 9 to 6 seconds, being way more effective. It was with this setup that I managed to beat Wave 30 with 5 rewards. But if you want to be a POB warrior just stack projectiles (bad).
  • I dropped self chill so I could use Anathema. Reasoning is: I am having full effect of my curses because i am using it on CWDT, and I needed more defenses, because a FR Poison build REALLY NEED DEFENSES. Things doesn't explode before they hit you. YOU WILL BE HIT BY YOURSELF AND BY ENEMIES. You need to be extremely tanky and have extreme recover. I went anathema so I could use Enfeeble, Despair and Alchemist Mark on top of Temporal Chains that is required for the poison. You could go 3 curses instead and invest in whispers of doom and another source of curses, but the pathing will be harder, maybe with a CI Impossible Escape, i am using a Pain Atunnement Impossible Escape for curse effect and chaos res (and because is cheap), works well with this build.
  • Everyone going with Satured Divine Life FLasks (70% increased amount recovery and 33% reduced recovery rate), and I used it too and it works and it is confy because we can make it lasts about 7 seconds, but I would die if the damage was too heavy on me....
    • BUT I HAVE TO SAY THIS HERE: Cautious Divine Life Flasks (130% MORE RECOVERY if used while Low Life) IS OP (vitality watchers eye is 70% Increased recovery, i have about 172% increased on total.
      • POB don't make the calculation, but it says 13.300 hp over 5 seconds or 2.6khp/s, multiply that for 2.3 (130% more) and MY GUESS is about 6.1k hp/s. If anyone want to check, feel free to correct me. I think it is right because i have about 1.6K ES on eldritch battery and Mahuotlx's Machination and I see it fill up about 4 times per second.
  • Because of this i decided to reserve life with arrogance and herald of agony, so my petrified blood and the more recovery of flasks would be always active. Since i got progenesis and used this setup I didn't die yet for a oneshot, and after i fixed my ailment avoidance i didn't die anymore; The only thing that can kill me is ubber bosses, the crucible mob that disables my recover, possed bosses that drains my flasks, and my ADHD that makes me forget to press my life flasks every 5 seconds.


This is easytm:

  • Number of Projectiles and AOE: Forbidden Rite overlaps, you need about 30% INC AOE for 5 overlaps, 60% for 6 overlaps... so use a GMP or another source of projectiles, i am using Dying Sun for 3 projectiles and helmet enchant for +1, leaving me with 5 projectiles.
  • Poison chance: you need it to be 100%, dendrobate and masteries help with it, divergent herald of agony too. There is also Sceptic spells from medium clusters, but i don't use.
  • Base damage: Skill gem levels: get a Level 21 forbidden Rite, invest in a +2 or +3 body armour later, use a +1 amulet and +1 or +2 weapon. Awakened void manipulation also gives +1.,
  • cast speed: extremely important to make your build feel more responsive, stack more poisons, and also to proc your CWDT more often. That is why I prioritized MORE CAST SPEED on the crucible tree of the weapon.
  • Over time multiplier: golden, you needs tons of it but there are few sources.
  • Poison duration: don't need to invest on it, because you already have dendrobate, temporal chains and unbound ailments. Instead try to invest in faster poisons if you can, it will make your build feel better. I swaped GMP for Swift Afflictions because of this after i got my dying sun and helmet enchant running.
  • Forbidden Rite scales from your Life and ES pool, but it is so little that you don't need to stack life or ES just to boost FR.


Defenses are extremely important in this build, because it is a self cast, you need to be still to cast, and because it is delayed damage (poison), you need to have extreme defenses, or they will you kill you before you kill them.

There are several layers:

  • Divine Flesh (in my situation comes togheter with Mahuxotl's shield, but I used on a glorious vanity before when starting). Gives you 5% max chaos res and splits elemental damage taken to chaos. Helps you mitigate the self damage from forbidden rite and gives you a bit of elemental mitigation. Downside is that you can't use ES to protect yourself.
  • Tempered by war (Rakiata Lethal Pride), mine has 2 passives that gives me 10% of physical damge taken as fire, very good because we need all the physical mitigation we can get, and it is the only node that really matters to us. The Tempered by war splits lightning and cold damage taken to fire and chaos, so togheter with Divine Flesh in Mahuxotl all our elemental damage is taken as FIRE AND CHAOS. you don't need to bother with cold and lightning resistances. Cold and Lightning penetration don't do shit against us too.
  • Because all our damage taken is fire, physical or chaos, we use Arctic armour for 20% reduced physical and 10% reduced elemental damage taken while being still, i use Anomalous that has a chance to freeze the mob that hits me, but it isn't required. If you have freeze proliferation in some place it might be a good defense mechanism in dense maps and simulacrum.
  • Petrified blood: 40% of the damage taken is prevented and lost over 4 seconds. it helps reduce the damage by 40% as long you can sustain the overtime damage. We use anomalous, so it is 45% of the damage from hits is prevented and 142% of it is lost over 4 seconds, so extreme recover is needed.
  • Grace: Avoidance is necessary so you can keep your life lost in a manageable patamar because of the Anomalous petrified blood, but I think this is only necessary in extremely juiced content, or else you can go Haste here... experiment.
  • Evasion rating: we stack evasion on our bases, some in our masteries, don't need to go overboard. My Helmet is a hybrid ES/EVA, but i bought it wrong and didn't care to replace. Go with a EVA base.
  • Low amount of armour don't do shit for us, because small hits can't kill us, and for big hits you need 50k+ armour to be effective, and we are not stacking armour in this build, all our flasks are mandatory, and we use a dendrobate and mahuxtl as body armour and shield, low ammount of armour.
  • Spell supression: you need 100%, some in gear, some in passive tree.
  • Because i already have all my needs of chaos res, spell supression and attributes in other gears, i managed to fit Garukhan's Flight as my boots that gives my TONS of evade chance and burning ground immunity. If you are feeling adventurous this setup can Sustain Annihilation Approach self damage for permanent adrenaline, but you die the second you forget to press life flask, also you lose about 70% of your recover to it... i experimented with it, and decided to drop. Maybe i use with I want more speed on my maps... maybe you can experiment with tainted pact and Annihilation Approach, but is still a clunky setup to my taste. For endgame a onslaught/tailwind/elusive boots here would be good.
  • Elemental avoidance: 50% from Ancestral Vision jewel, and 50% from tree. Very important for simulacrums and delirium, but until there you can use flasks for shock and chill immunity, and just eat the ignites. You will still be vulnerable against scorch and brittle.
  • Life of course: i have 130%, and my next 3 levels all gonna go toward more life.
  • Curses: For damage we use Temporal Chains and Despair, but for defenses Temporal Chains on top of Enfeeble:
    • Temporal chains: 15% less action speed plus the curse effect that you manage to get.
    • Enfeeble: 30% less damage done from mobs, and 18% less damage done from Rare or Uniques mobs. Scales with curse effect

NOT less important, actualy vital, is Flasks! Ruby Flask for less fire damage taken. Amethyst flask to cap chaos res, and Progenesis when you can afford. Progenesis is extremely good in this build. To make all flasks work well, for defense, recovery and offense, you need tons of Flask effect and increased duration, so invest well on it.

  • Physical damage reduction is the last part of the defenses and the hardest. Some builds go with Doppelganger Guise that is very viable too, but I decided to bet on what I already have:
    • 10% phys as fire from lethal pride.
    • 8% phys as fire from helmet craft.
    • 8% phys as chaos from Eater of the world implicit (i am not using because i didn't managed to get it yet and didn't care to spend more to get, but it is extremely important).
    • 20% less physical damage taken while stationary from arctic armour.
    • 42% less damage from Inc effect from Progenesis multipled by 45% from petrified blood, gives us 59% of the damage taken lost over 4 seconds. With all our recovery, this is the same as 59% less damage taken from hits. Because our recover is so strong, DOTs usualy aren't a threat. Only the burning ground from exarch altars maybe, but then I use Garukhans Flight for now, but i don't think that the burning ground immunity is needed. Maybe.
    • Immortal call on left click of the mouse.
    • Endurance charges from a enduring composure small cluster.


  • Tons of flask effect, flasks duration and life flask recover ammount. Because we scale our flasks for defense, offense and recover, nothing is wasted.
  • Cautious Life Flask (with 30% quality) and Master Surgeon can nets us about 6K hp/s... we have a 2k life pool with reservation, so we heal our entire life bar about 3 times per second. You can really only die for oneshots and monsters that disable our flasks or our recover, both rare. In wave 27+ simulacrum things might be a bit dodgy too, the ammount of damage taken is high and you may need to move a bit. Uber bosses can kill you. You should avoid less recovery rate modifiers in your maps if you play with wandering path.
  • Replica Sorrow of the Divine for your mana sustain, as it gives you eldritch battery and about 6k ES per second. You don't need nothing more.


Attributes are hard to get on this build, especially if you go for a profane wand like me. Strenght is also hard to come by, so try to get strenght and int in every piece that you can. I managed to get a -20% requeriment passive on the crucible tree of my wand that fixed the int requierment for me, but strenght is still hard, even with lethal pride.

Be aware that this is all gear that is needed for my current build to work, but i played without it all but adjusting in other ways.

  • Rakiata Lethal Pride
  • Mahuxotl's Machination
  • Anathema
  • Progenesis
  • Replica sorrow of the divine.
  • Dying Sun.
  • Asenath Gentle Touch: Important to free your skill slots from Temporal chains, Inteligect and for explosions. Really BiS in this slot for FR.

Extras that gives us QoL:

  • Garukhan's FLight
  • Ancestral Vision
  • Watchers eye with flask-vitality mod.
  • Eternal Struggle for Inc AOE and 15% culling mod (extremely good) and for Attributes.
  • Annointment: Serpentine Spellslinger. Just got what gave me more damage. But I am thinking about going Dirty Techninques, but it more expensive.
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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







31 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Nature's Reprisal
Nature's Reprisal
Nature's Adrenaline
Nature's Adrenaline
Master Surgeon
Master Surgeon
Master Toxicist
Master Toxicist
Supreme Ego
Supreme Ego
Blood Drinker
Blood Drinker
Blood Siphon
Blood Siphon
Careful Conservationist
Careful Conservationist
Crystal Skin
Crystal Skin
Fatal Toxins
Fatal Toxins
Field Medicine
Field Medicine
Heart of Oak
Heart of Oak
Mark the Prey
Mark the Prey
Natural Remedies
Natural Remedies
Primal Spirit
Primal Spirit
Revenge of the Hunted
Revenge of the Hunted
Steeped in the Profane
Steeped in the Profane
Thick Skin
Thick Skin
View full passive skill tree

  • Forbidden RiteForbidden Rite
  • Awakened Void ManipulationAwakened Void Manipulation
  • Awakened Unbound AilmentsAwakened Unbound Ailments
  • Spell EchoSpell Echo
  • Awakened Deadly AilmentsAwakened Deadly Ailments
  • Awakened Swift AfflictionAwakened Swift Affliction

  • Temporal ChainsTemporal Chains

  • VitalityVitality
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • Storm BrandStorm Brand
  • Alchemist's MarkAlchemist's Mark

  • Arctic ArmourArctic Armour
  • Immortal CallImmortal Call
  • MalevolenceMalevolence

  • DashDash
  • Vaal GraceVaal Grace

  • Herald of AgonyHerald of Agony
  • ArroganceArrogance

  • DespairDespair
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • EnfeebleEnfeeble
  • Hex BloomHex Bloom

  • Petrified BloodPetrified Blood
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • Frost ShieldFrost Shield




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