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Poison Molten Strike Pathfinder Starter Build Guide Part 2: Assembling the Real Build




Murderous Eye JewelMegalomaniacImpossible EscapeWatcher's EyeMilitant FaithLarge Cluster JewelMedium Cluster JewelPneumatic DaggerDawnbreakerLoreweaveEternal BurgonetTanu AhiCircle of NostalgiaUnset RingUngil's HarmonyGoliath GreavesChains of Emancipation
ProgenesisRuby FlaskTaste of HateDivine Life FlaskGranite Flask

This is a followup to Part 1 of the Build Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/13968qx/poison_molten_strike_pathfinder_starter_build/

This is a combination of the mid and late game version of my build where it actually comes together and is able to clear almost all content. Keep in mind I upgraded this build over time so I definitely didn't have all of this assembled at once. It does ubers with ease. Sim 30s are doable deathless but honestly poison molten strike isn't the best build for it because of the lack of clear from molten strike and the fact that you're limited by poison dot cap.

POB: https://pobb.in/QFNEVieqypZt

Note this is set to ubers. Most of the important and interesting changes come with the jewel and gem setups and tree changes.

The Dagger:

Same dagger but I allocated inc effect of anger. The increased reservation doesn't matter in this setup running Divergent Inspiration, Anomalous Increased Duration, and divine blessing. The mana cost of your divine blessing anger will be 0 if you have the flask with the gems I listed.

You can also harvest enchant it for even more base crit in conjunction with ungil's.

I will note here that elemental overload is an incredibly powerful option and what I went for in my endgame setup. However that's both expensive to do and requires switching things around so I don't have it setup here. Here's my endgame dagger: https://imgur.com/a/NCcKmGC


Overkill of a shield, I sniped it. Just get as much phys taken as ele as you can afford.


Threw more loathings at my helm until I had a high armor base with an open prefix to craft hits taken as fire damage. The eater, exarch implicits you want are phys dmg taken as ele and increased temporal chains or despair curse effect.


Still ungil's harmony but now it's maxed catalyst. Btw this, the dagger, and a few nodes on the tree I have 80% crit chance.


Same deal just get the best you can get that meets your needs. Here I grab LGOH on a ring so I don't need the nodes on the tree. LGOH is a nice additional defensive buffer that kicks in at half health (due to petrified blood) on top of your flask healing


After grabbing the watcher's eye is when I felt comfortable switching to our GG chest: Loreweave. For those who don't know this is the chest that enables transcendence builds to work because it sets your res to 78% always so it bypasses the -15% from transcendence. Grab one with good rolls. For my setup I'm actually quite attribute starved so I would emphasize getting one with good attribute rolls.


Look for a double corrupted tanu ahi with temp chains on hit (always) and +1 frenzy or atk speed


I'm still using chains of emancipation in this mid/late game setup, killed all ubers with it and sim 30s. But you can start looking for a good stygian abyss with flask duration, inc flask effect, ele damage with attacks, life and whatever other goodness.


Same idea, get the best to suit your needs. Could look for some extra spell suppress here. Ideal enchant would be 1 to 160 lightning damage if you haven't killed recently for bossing.

Implicits I prefer are poisons you inflict deal damage faster (we're already uber dot capped so this just helps with ramp up) and increased action speed


Progenesis helps a lot with tankiness when uber bossing/sims. Otherwise I drop it when mapping because I'm not going to die anyways. I grabbed this pretty late because I wasn't doing all that much uber bossing until near the end.

Cluster Jewels:

Now that we have levels we can add clusters.

Large Clusters: Martial prowess, feed the fury, fuel the fight. This handles all your leeching needs so you don't need to take leech anywhere else.

If you're min maxing you can fit in a second large cluster: I opted for fan of blades, feed the fury, and martial prowess.

Medium Clusters:

Spiked concoction is a must to get alchemist's genius, brewed for potency is an incredibly good node as it adds a bit of offense, flask uptime and inc flask recovery for master surgeon.

If you want to run the exact setup I have here you're gonna need to get uncompromising somewhere, I snagged this one of a kind megalomaniac which is insane for the build. Other options include running a small cluster with uncompromising or grabbing a different megalomaniac.

I will list some other medium cluster nodes that are good for the build depending on the situation: peak vigour for more life/rcv, circling oblivion for damage if you're not uber dot capped, wasting affliction for damage when you are uber dot capped.

Watcher's Eye

You need a double purity of elements watcher's eye to make this setup work. This build will not feel comfortable at the upper echelon of content if you're sitting at 60-70% phys conversion. It'll work fine for the majority of the game but we're pushing this build to faceroll almost everything. My watcher's eye is once again overkill, I sniped it early on you just need the double mods.

Impossible Escape

Impossible escape with chaos inoculation saves us a lot of points on the tree. This passive tree is very tight if you want to fit in a bunch of clusters.


Awakened gems as listed

Please note that awakened vicious projectiles does not decrease the attack speed of molten strike so it is amazing for the build. Thank you /u/ShillienTemplar

Anomalous petrified blood-determination-purity of elements-enlighten 4 for our defensive auras.

Petrified blood without life reserved is an amazing extra buffer against one shots, it also grants you overleech to make sure those leech buff nodes are working. Master surgeon is necessary to overcome the downside of nothing else being able to heal you above half life.

Tech for permanent adrenaline/onslaught:

You need a combination of petrified blood without life reserved, master surgeon, blood rage, skills cost life instead instead of 30% mana cost mastery and tanu ahi ofc.

Listed above but I'll mention it here: Divine blessing-anger-anomalous inc duration and divergent inspiration are needed to make the skill cost 0

If you want to squeeze in more tech you can link anomalous phantasmal protection to enhance 4 for more atk speed and to anomalous blood rage for faster frenzy buildup

Final Note:

When getting into the weeds of min maxing note that hitting uber dot cap does not mean you have capped your damage. A huge part of dps on uber bosses is poison ramp up time.

To calculate accurate dps: take Poison dps of magma balls x attack rate x number of projectiles. Then you can take the uber dot cap of around 35m and divide that by your calculated DPS to get a more accurate number.

Ex. For this POB my poison DPS is 23199*11.26 atk rate * 26 projectiles (13*2 because of vengeant cascade)=6791739.24 So it would take me roughly 5 seconds to build up damage to uber dot cap against ubers. That's less than half the damage I have in my final setup even though both setups are uber dot capped on POB.

Thank you for reading this 2 part guide. I hope it helps and definitely continue to ask questions and your builds to the comments. For people looking to min max I would just cross reference all the GG build setups that ppl have linked here and in the first thread. There are a lot of different ways to optimize it at the highest level.

My endgame POB: https://pobb.in/0wzmYIOWuatf

Ramp up DPS is 47677*12.6*28=16820445.6

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







48 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Master Toxicist
Master Toxicist
Nature's Adrenaline
Nature's Adrenaline
Master Surgeon
Master Surgeon
Nature's Reprisal
Nature's Reprisal
Supreme Ego
Supreme Ego
Adder's Touch
Adder's Touch
Adjacent Animosity
Adjacent Animosity
Blood Drinker
Blood Drinker
Blood Siphon
Blood Siphon
Careful Conservationist
Careful Conservationist
Dire Torment
Dire Torment
Excess Sustenance
Excess Sustenance
Fatal Toxins
Fatal Toxins
Field Medicine
Field Medicine
Heart of Oak
Heart of Oak
Natural Remedies
Natural Remedies
Revenge of the Hunted
Revenge of the Hunted
Swift Venoms
Swift Venoms
Whispers of Doom
Whispers of Doom
View full passive skill tree

  • Molten StrikeMolten Strike
  • Awakened Unbound AilmentsAwakened Unbound Ailments
  • Awakened Greater Multiple ProjectilesAwakened Greater Multiple Projectiles
  • MultistrikeMultistrike
  • Awakened Deadly AilmentsAwakened Deadly Ailments
  • Awakened Vicious ProjectilesAwakened Vicious Projectiles

  • Temporal ChainsTemporal Chains

  • Whirling BladesWhirling Blades
  • Faster AttacksFaster Attacks
  • Blood RageBlood Rage

  • Ancestral ProtectorAncestral Protector
  • Phase RunPhase Run

  • Vaal Molten ShellVaal Molten Shell
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken

  • AngerAnger
  • InspirationInspiration
  • Divine BlessingDivine Blessing
  • Increased DurationIncreased Duration

  • Petrified BloodPetrified Blood
  • DeterminationDetermination
  • Purity of ElementsPurity of Elements
  • EnlightenEnlighten

  • DespairDespair

  • BerserkBerserk

  • Vaal HasteVaal Haste
  • Herald of AgonyHerald of Agony




Divinia collected this build from this reddit post.