PoB Archives

HC - Lightning Spire & Seismic Trapper

3.2 Bestiary



Cobalt JewelCobalt JewelCobalt JewelImbued WandHarmonic Spirit ShieldKaom's HeartHubris CircletMurder MittsTwo-Stone Ring (Fire/Lightning)
Agate AmuletHydrascale BootsHeavy Belt
The Wise OakDiamond FlaskSulphur Flask

Build: https://pastebin.com/ZtGEKpSG

I used a level 19 Storm Call linked to trap to represent the hits from a level 20 Lightning Spire Trap, and I used a 22 Bladefall to represent Seismic Trap. Trap Support (Used to make the mockup skills) is losing its More multiplier so the damage numbers listed here might be a little bit off, but not by a huge margin.

Lighting Spire:

Each hit does about 58,000 damage. With 110% increased cast speed, the trap will generate three strikes about every 0.14s (0.3 base divided by 1+1.10 cast speed). So the trap will generate 3 strikes 7 times per second. With 112% increased AoE, I would guess a boss would be hit by at least 2 of the 3 strikes on average. So one trap hits a boss 14 times per second for about 812k DPS per trap.

The trap lasts 3.5s base, but with 59% increased duration each should last for about 5.6s. This build has 40% Trap CDR, which brings the trap CD from 8s down to 5.7s. This might seem like a really bad cooldown, but I think using both Lightning Spire and Seismic together, which essentially gives you 6 charges of traps to work with, should be sufficient for both general clear and boss killing.

Seismic Trap:

Each hit does about 77,800 damage. With 110% increased cast speed, the trap will generate its 5 explosions per wave every 0.43s (0.9 base divided by 1+1.10 cast speed). The trap will generate 5 explosions per wave 2.3~ times per second. Rory confirmed that this skill works the same way as Lightning Spire Trap, in that explosions are generated a fixed distance from the trap, which means scaling AoE will be great for Seismic along with Lightning Spire.


So let's be on the conservative side and say on average a boss will get hit by 2 of the 5 explosions generated by the trap. 2 x 2.3~ x 77,800 results in about 363,000 DPS per Seismic Trap.


This build makes use of Shaper Helmets and Gloves, to have two 6 links for both of our trap skills. It also frees up the chest piece so that we can use a Kaom's Heart and be close to 7K HP. There's other options to use here, but since I'll be on HC I'd like something more defensive. Elder boots with more skill effect duration on them wouldn't be terrible to have but aren't super important. Shaper boots/belt with global CDR are a nice luxury item as well to lower trap cooldowns.

I used a wand in this build, which leaves you stuck with Flame Dash, but you can probably look for a sceptre or dagger that works for the build so you can Shield Charge around.

Other Skills:

Using a Kaom's makes socket management a little tough. Weapon will have Flame Dash, Blasphemy + Enfeeble. Shield will have CWDT + Immortal Call + Lightning Golem. The main traps will be in Helm and Gloves.

Boots will have Bear Trap, Siphoning Trap + Cluster Trap + Charged Traps. Bear and Siphoning Trap have shorter cooldowns compared to our damage traps, I don't think there's much harm throwing them all out at once with Cluster Trap, and by throwing more it generates Power and Frenzy charges more reliably with Charged Traps. I know a lot of people aren't hyped for Siphoning Trap but I think the utility will be nice against bosses with this playstyle.


I didn't put enchants in PoB but the increased crit chance on boots will probably be best if you don't need the regen, since we use Brutality for Seismic Trap and it won't benefit from elemental damage added. We don't know the helm enchants for the new traps yet. I suspect Lightning Spire and Seismic will have a generic damage increase one, an increased AoE one, and maybe something like adding an extra strike to the skill? We'll have to wait and see.


Arc trap might very well be better than this but I wanted to play around with the new skills. If you have questions, comments or suggestions for changing things around I'm all ears.

Edit: I made a Scion version of the build which is pretty similar, but sacrifices a small amount of damage and trap CDR for more HP and easy Endurance Charge generation. I think the Scion one is more HC friendly.


Lightning Spire does 727K per trap with Scion compared to 812K from Saboteur. Seismic does 338K on Scion compared to 363K of Sabo. While the damage is similar enough and still great, the trap cooldown is now 6.95s up from the 5.7s from Sabo. I think I'll be going with this though.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool

Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







16.1 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi











Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


  • BlasphemyBlasphemy
  • EnfeebleEnfeeble

  • ClarityClarity

  • BladefallBladefall
  • TrapTrap
  • BrutalityBrutality
  • Trap and Mine DamageTrap and Mine Damage
  • Controlled DestructionControlled Destruction
  • Faster CastingFaster Casting
  • Increased Area of EffectIncreased Area of Effect

  • Storm CallStorm Call
  • TrapTrap
  • Lightning PenetrationLightning Penetration
  • Controlled DestructionControlled Destruction
  • Trap and Mine DamageTrap and Mine Damage
  • Faster CastingFaster Casting
  • Increased Area of EffectIncreased Area of Effect




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