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So I was thinking of what to play for next league as a starter when I found Asmodeus's WoC ignite build and decided to base a build on that, tweaking some stuff to suit my taste and needs. Also this build is SSF viable.


The basic idea for those who don't know how WoC works is you get exposure along with a pretty chunky base hit which in turn makes it really comfy to scale ignite and gets you exposure for general mob clearing with surprisingly big aoe which can be further scaled with duration and aoe (if you get high enough you can drop ignite prolif for swift affliction (10% dps increase) or unbound ailments (about 3%).

The whole tree has been remade from scratch with inspiration from the og build so there are some differences, notably since I didn't put almost any mana on my gear for the sole reason I want it to be as clean and modular as it can be I took an extra mana node which gives us some spell block chance and reduced skill cost so we can actually use malevolence if we disable herald of ash.

The first modification I made is trading the obliterarion for singularity for more dps as we will be using ignite prolif for general clear removing the need for explosions from it. Random rare scepter or obliteration are still an option but singularity shouldn't really be expensive even on league start.

Next added Olesya's which grants us affliction charges instead of frenzy charges. This by itself gives us about 10% dps, some movement speed and cold res, almost capping our cold res by itself. Stigian is still a good option if you want more defenses or olesya's ends up being expensive for some reason but as it stands it's a chaos level of price. With olesya's getting frenzy charge on unique hit/spending mana makes bossing a lot comfier.

And the ascendancy question. Of course shaper of flames is mandattory as it is more than 50% of our dps and is the node that makes the build function. The heart of destruction node is also about 30% of our dps by itself so it is also mandattory. The only real option you have is between golems, aegis and shock. Golems of course offer you an additional golem which results in a tiny 70k dps increase so it's not really an option as lightning golem doesn't give us anything with the cast speed and we don't crit, only reason to take this is chaos golem for bigger phys max hit (only a couple hundred tho). On paper bastion of the elements is very tanky, allowing us to take about 7k ele hit by itself but that means we have 30k ele, 20k chaos and 10k phys meaning we are gonna die to phys if anything anyway so I wouldn't reccomend it, but it is an option if you fear getting one shot by random flameblast or something. This is why I chose the shock (I think asmo did too) which gives us a flat 15% more damage due to shock. The way this node works is we have our shock (based on the hit which in our case is pathetic) and we compare it to 15% shock then choose the higher value. Meaning we get 15% shock all the time which translates to the 15% dps.

Lastly I played around with the gear, still keeping most of the stats but making up for the lack of stigian. This build still keeps it's "almost no damage from rares" giving you the option to scale the damage to the moon with influences, corrupts, + charges/curses, dot multi and all that good stuff. We also only use one enchant (which is not needed if you have enough + mana on your gear to use malevolence) keeping the slots free for whatever you want, also getting + curse on your gear will allow you to drop the annoint and put in something that actually gives us damage (dirty techniques is on paper best dps, arsonist gives multi and regen, + frenzy charges are good and physical as extra is viable (WoC is physical base that gets converted to elemental).

The only issue is that the build is tight on mana if you don't get any with gear meaning you probably won't be able to use malevolence from the start, this is about a 25% dps decrease. We solve this by disabling herald of ash for bosses (this by itself is a dps decrease but malevolence is more important) and getting at least one mana mod on our gear to get just enough to use it, you can enable herald after for 10s of malevolence + herald dps. Alternatively you can disable another aura (grace or determination) but that is not reccomended as those make up a big chunk of our defensive layers.

As far as defenses go you can get %physical taken as elemental to really boost that phys max hit meaning you shouldn't get one shot anymore in general gameplay. As with everything defenses can be scaled with additional stats on gear, what is in the pob is the basis to cap res, get ailment immunity (45% boots max roll, 35% shield max roll and 20% shield mastery, this is not league start kind of deal due to requiring 2 literally max possible rolls but if you get a single source extra you can get just any roll) with a single shaper influence mod and some life, meaning any defense stat mods (es, er and armor are all viable on this build) are all a bonus.

As far as flasks go make sure you always have % increased er and armor during flask effect at the very least, the rest is flexible, if you want to replace, replace quartz first then jade and granite last.

This is just a modification of the original build to suit my needs and preferences and I have not tested it yet (not enough time till new league start for me since I made the build), that said if you want some footage to get a general idea on how the build works and proof of concept you can check out asmo's video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHIeMS0uo7A which also goes over some of the concepts here and explains leveling (any fire skill will do until you get shaper of flames then literally any skill with somewhat high base hit (arc will be my choice, but since we only get 16% increased spell damage in total from tree you can even use bow skills or attacks at this stage) until you get WoC then you can freely switch to it).

Feel free to provide any feedback as this is my first attempt at actually publishing something I made (albeit with heavy inspiration).

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool


Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







24 | 24

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


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Divine Judgement
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Searing Heat
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Surge of Vigour
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Written in Blood
View full passive skill tree

  • Divine BlessingDivine Blessing
  • MalevolenceMalevolence
  • Blood RageBlood Rage
  • InspirationInspiration

  • Arcanist BrandArcanist Brand
  • FlammabilityFlammability
  • Flame SurgeFlame Surge
  • Elemental WeaknessElemental Weakness

  • DeterminationDetermination
  • GraceGrace
  • EnlightenEnlighten
  • Herald of AshHerald of Ash

  • Summon Flame GolemSummon Flame Golem
  • Shield ChargeShield Charge
  • Faster AttacksFaster Attacks

  • Molten ShellMolten Shell
  • Cast when Damage TakenCast when Damage Taken
  • Increased DurationIncreased Duration




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