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Stone Golemancer Dominating Blow | CHAMPION | Phys / Impale - Build Thoughts?

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Been working on a Golemancer Champion because... I enjoy tankier variants so I can be half asleep through content. They also added Duelist voicelines to acts 6-10 so I figured, why not.



EDIT Tree #2 - Slight variation of the pathing to include Resolute Technique, drop Precision, fit in a Glorious Vanity. Gains 1284 energy shield and if you can get your hands on a Ghost Dance Skin of the Lords, this version has 27K evasion and 35k armor. Unfortunately this pathing loses around 2.5 million DPS and 30% spell suppression so unsure it's worth it, maybe if you play HC. Would probably want to get the missing suppression on other gear. I'm personally more inclined towards the first tree.


Build Summary:

  • 4 Stone Golems (1.36M DPS Each) = 5.4M DPS
  • 13 Sentinels (136k DPS Each) = 1.7M DPS
  • Impales = 4.9M DPS
  • Determination / Grace / 100% Spell Suppression possible with endgame gear
  • Pride / Precision / Dread Banner / 100% Impale Chance for Minions
  • Spectres for Charges
  • 600+ Life Regen
  • Perma Fortify
  • Stun Immune
  • *Potential for Ailment and Crit immune through AG


  • Total - 12.5M DPS+

Keep in mind this is realistically only on a single target situation.

During clear, your minions are running all over the place, so your "spread" dps will be lower, but the golems each deal over 1M DPS so clear shouldn't be a problem with all the movement speed they get. Golems and Sentinels both have primary attacks that are Slams, so they have considerable built-in AoE. With 3 Primordial Harmony's the Golem Slam cooldown is 1.7s, and with Multistrike, they will slam 3 times in a row each time it's used. So they slam a lot. Also, the slams Taunt, so they should be tanking a lot for you.

I'll be doing a lot more bossing this league and the Archnemesis content will likely benefit from big single target DPS, which should be extremely high when all your minions are focused on 1 target.

Build Idea

  • Golems are tanky and should never really die, especially with beefed Determination + Grace.
  • Champion is tanky. With the built-in Aura Affect, you have 22k+ Evasion and 28k+ Armor with just Determination & Grace (Without Granite/Jade Flask) - you also get stun immunity & perm 20% Fortify. To compare, an Elementalist would only have 10k and 12k respectively, and also not have Fortify or stun immunity. However, Elementalist gains 400 more life regen per second and considerably more DPS (4 million more, from 12.5M -> 16.5M due to +2 golems) which is not negligible. Personally, for my playstyle, I'm happy enough to trade the damage for the defenses.
  • The Sentinels don't deal a ton of DPS, but primarily help by proccing Feeding Frenzy and Maim on hit. They do respectable damage with 13 of them and will help clear up stragglers. Also, while mapping, you may steal some monster auras from the Dominates. Think of it as your personal mini-headhunter. If this doesn't work out, can probably just swap them to a 4L Zombie setup.
  • My initial purpose for Dominating Blow was to proc the new Mark on Hit + Assassin's Mark as an attack ability, but with the 300% mana multiplier, 100 mana per attack is simply too hard to achieve, so i'm just going with a Vulnerability on Hit ring. Would be nice if they reduced the mana cost...
  • The build currently incorporates an extra aura, Haste, used with the "Skills Cost no Mana while Focused" necklace craft and the new Divine Blessing support, essentially giving you a "free" aura. Focus has an 8 second cooldown, and the blessing has a 10 second duration, so this is 100% uptime (although it's essentially another "flask" you have to hit every 8-10 seconds). If you remove this aspect from the build (or they nerf this interaction before launch) the build only loses 1 Million DPS, so not a huge deal. I just liked the Haste for more movement speed. Think of it as pre-nerf smoke mine or phase run. You can also use Vaal Haste as a DPS cooldown.
  • Golems are "technically" fairly cheap as a league-starter as you can run 2 Clayshapers to start off. Yes, the Primordial gems are more expensive, but Golems haven't been that popular recently and you can slowly invest buying 1 gem at a time. The most expensive one, Primordial Might, was around 80C at league start and dropped to 30C within 1 week (according to PoE.Ninja on SSC) - so you can reasonably expect to gather all the stones you need within first week for under 200c or so. You don't need ALL of them to perform well; although I'll say you want at least 1 Primordial Might to make them aggressive.
  • Cold Iron Points are NOT NECESSARY. They are BIS and will be very expensive at start. But with 2x Clayshapers, which are dirt cheap, you get 6 golems instead of 4 (more clear coverage) and total DPS goes from 12.5M -> 10M. This is roughly a 20% total DPS loss, but you get 2 more golems so your clear may even be faster. If you swap to Clayshapers in the build, make sure you manually add +2 to your golem count to show proper DPS.
  • Skin of the Loyal is a solid budget chestpiece and a Skin of the Lords actually competes with a double-influenced crafted chestpiece (but you'd lose suppression, would have to make it up elsewhere like on helm). 100% global defenses adds over 10k evasion / 10k armor if you want it instead.

Animate Guardian for super QOL

  • Since Kingmaker isn't needed on Champion, i'm considering running a Sign of the Sin Eater + Leper's Alms. This combo will make ALL AILMENTS apply to your AG instead of you and your minions... effectively making you ailment immune. Yipee! With Leper's Alms, any time he hits, he'll apply the ailments to his target.
  • Garb of Ephemeral is the luxury route so you are also Crit Immune. Gruthkul's Pelt will suffice on a budget.
  • Helm / Gloves are flexible, fill in his resistances, or run a Stitched Demon for more beef.
  • Victario's Flight for more movement speed for you and the boys.

Working on:

  • Would like to fit in Whirling Blades, which should be pretty fast if you grab Spiritual Aid and with Unstoppable Hero.
  • Missing a source of Intimidate on Hit for extra DPS (I guess a really GG crafted glove at endgame)
  • Can't fit in a CWDT / Molten Shell setup. Super gem starved. Might be able to drop Convocation if the minions feel fast enough, or perhaps putting Flame Dash on a weapon swap.
  • Chaos resist is hard to fit in without GG gear but... who cares about chaos... right...?
  • Fitting in Desecrate for corpse generation on bosses


Welcome any thoughts and hopefully this gives you some of your own ideas to theorycraft.

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Energy Shield




Effective Hit Pool

Chaos Res


Fire Res


Cold Res


Lightning Res







15 | 0

Crit Chance


Crit Multi












Item Quantity


Item Rarity


Movement Speed


Unstoppable Hero
Unstoppable Hero
Art of the Gladiator
Art of the Gladiator
Combat Stamina
Combat Stamina
Cruel Preparation
Cruel Preparation
Death Attunement
Death Attunement
Discipline and Training
Discipline and Training
Golem Commander
Golem Commander
Heart and Soul
Heart and Soul
Indomitable Army
Indomitable Army
Purity of Flesh
Purity of Flesh
Ravenous Horde
Ravenous Horde
Righteous Army
Righteous Army
Spiritual Command
Spiritual Command
View full passive skill tree

  • VulnerabilityVulnerability

  • ConvocationConvocation

  • PrecisionPrecision

  • Dominating BlowDominating Blow
  • MultistrikeMultistrike
  • Feeding FrenzyFeeding Frenzy
  • MaimMaim

  • Flesh OfferingFlesh Offering
  • Vaal HasteVaal Haste
  • HextouchHextouch

  • Dread BannerDread Banner
  • GenerosityGenerosity
  • Flame DashFlame Dash

  • DeterminationDetermination
  • GraceGrace
  • EnlightenEnlighten
  • PridePride

  • Raise SpectreRaise Spectre
  • LifetapLifetap
  • Animate GuardianAnimate Guardian
  • Elemental ArmyElemental Army

  • Melee Physical DamageMelee Physical Damage
  • MultistrikeMultistrike
  • Summon Stone GolemSummon Stone Golem
  • ImpaleImpale
  • Increased Critical DamageIncreased Critical Damage
  • Minion DamageMinion Damage




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