Path of Building:
Mino Run:
Why: I wanted to play Arc and see how good it is with chaining range. I've been playing ignite builds for the past 4 leagues but I've always ended up with Wave of Conviction. This league I decided to try something different with Vaal Arc.
The good: This build has 115% increased chaining range which clears 2 screens at a time. It insta pops legions/expeditions and what not. For the mino run it clears both ahead and behind which is kind of impressive.
The bad: Wave of Conviction is still king for me in terms of ignite builds. It has way better single target but worse clear. Vaal Arc is kind of incosistent with single target as it requires too much stuff to be up at the same time in order to deal it's full damage (convergence, vaal arc, EO, etc.). The fact that Vaal arc is only 1 use makes it really hard to time the damage for optimal single target
Conclusion: I think this build is very fun and is definitely the most fun and best ignite build in terms of clear I've played, however I think other ignite builds are probably more well rounded and overall better. Was still a fun experiment.