i've like to share my first Build ever: a Budget Version of the new Stormbrand Inq using the Energyblade "Basis". First of all the Idea behind it is not from me CaptainLance and other Creators already posted EB Builds a few Leagues ago. I used this as my 2. Build after i farmed some currency to get the Mandatory pieces and did my full Atlas, Pinnacles and also did Ubers on this after some more Investment.\
I tried to break down the Build to a minimum Budget right now with the Current Prices you can start it with 4 Divine (2 Div of them is the 6 Link chest). Price breakdown for this is in the Note Section of the Pob.\
Budget Storm Brand: https://pobb.in/BCCZM6tbPsYe
I also put in a few Hints for Future Upgrades for the Build and will attach my Current POB in the End. This Build is pretty Vulnerable to Phys and Chaos Dmg - so if you dont like the "squishy" Playstyle swap Wrath for Determination and Grab Chaos Resist on your Gear.
Also because ive seen it so many times: Split Personalitys are way overpriced for what theyre doing. The Adorned Jewel i havent tried yet because i think that a 140% one is way to expensive in the Moment. Im using Forbidden Flame and Flesh which also are way to expensive but i bought them pretty early in the League for a couple Divs. But its a future Upgrade you can transition into.
My current Version: https://pobb.in/cGIpPiaGsQ4P (im using Penance Brand for Bossing and Invitations and swap Swiftbrand for Cruelty, Stormbrand and Chain/Swift for mapping).
I hope you like my first try of a Buildpost :)